New and Used Cars
Explore the vast model range of new and used cars by widely known manufacturers on our website.
Serving El Paso for 20 years
Here are three more reasons to choose Finn's!

Collateral Protection Insurance
Everyone qualifies for CPI. Get covered!

Free Limited Warranty
Each buyer gets a Free 8 month or 8,000 mile powertrain warranty. Ask your salesperson for details.

Build Your Credit
Pay on time and build your credit. Finn's reports all transactions monthly.
Serving El Paso for 20 Years
El Paso's oldest Buy Here Pay Here used car Dealer!
Are you searching for a used vehicle? Do you need automobile financing? You came to the right place. Just apply for financing & get approved in seconds. We also have an excellent insurance option that will work for you.
Our knowledgeable sales representatives are committed to providing you with respect and professional buying experience. We want to make sure you find the vehicle that meets your needs and fits your budget.
Please look for our customer reviews on Google and Facebook! Over 900 current customers know why Finn's Discount Autos is El Paso's best place to buy used cars!

Why Choose Finn's Discount Auto?
We get it. You have to get to work, and your kids have to get to school. Your looking for reliable transportation. Maybe you've been turned down before because of no credit or bad credit. Finn's Discount Auto will use your job and down payment as your credit. Check our inventory to find your new car, truck or SUV and explore your payment options!
We are a local - family owned business who has been serving the Southwest for over two decades. We have an excellent history of getting people into the right vehicles, at a fair price.
What exactly does "Buy Here Pay Here" mean?
Buy Here Pay Here means that you arrange the loan and make payments for you car right here at the dealership. It is a one-stop shopping process because the dealership is also the financing company.
Anette Camacho
I was in such a hard place, stressed and very discouraged about being turned down because of my credit at other places and Jorge literally saved my life! Within a couple of hours I was driving home in my new car and he was very helpful in accommodating all my wants and needs! Thank you so much Jorge!!